Quotes and Sayings about Computer

Quotes and Sayings about Computer
Computers may out-think us one day, but as long as people got feelings we'll be better than they are.
It was one thing to use computers as a tool, quite another to let them do your thinking for you.
Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.
Mister Spock in Star Trek - Season 2 Episode 24
Supercomputers will achieve one human brain capacity by 2010, and personal computers will do so by about 2020.
Droids are not good or bad. They are neutral reflections of those who imprint them.
Kuiil in The Mandalorian - Season 1 Episode 7
One of the most feared expressions in modern times is "The computer is down."
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window.
I had a TV set and a typewriter and that made me think a computer should be laid out like a typewriter with a video screen.
The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day.
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.
Before you marry a person you should make them use a computer with slow internet, to see who they really are.
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.
Microsoft has had clear competitors in the past. It's a good thing we have museums to document that.
Bill Gates - am 1. Oktober 2004 (Rede im Museum für Computergeschichte)
My working life happened to have been EXACTLY 'the magic years' when computers went from nowhere to somewhere.
Ken Williams (Husband of Roberta Williams) - 07/2003
Where's the "any key"? Hm... I think I order a "tab".

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Give me your love and not your like!
The internet has been a boon and a curse for teenagers.
Just move to the Internet, its great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome.
People can say some extraordinary things when they're hiding behind a keyboard.
The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.
The Internet is like a wave. You either learn to swim with it or you sink.
We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.
Microsoft is in a very unique position to be able to go spend Sony out of business. Sony is really the only other player who could compete with Game Pass and we have a 2 year and 10 million subs lead.
Matt Booty - June 2023
Microsoft is in a lot of the same businesses that Google is in.
Because it's everybody's business.
Tron: "If you are a User, then everything you've done has been according to a plan."
Flynn: "Ha! You wish! Well, you know what it was like. You just keep doin' what it looks like what you're supposed to be doin', no matter how crazy it seems."
Tron: "Well, that's the way it is for programs, yes."
Flynn: "I hate to disappoint you, pal, but most of the time, that's the way it is for Users too."
Kevin Flynn in Tron
The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. You're going to look like you have magic powers compared to everybody else.
Computing lets people express their creativity and unlock solutions, and code is computing's universal language. All young people, including girls, deserve to be fluent in the language of the future.
Without those hackers, we wouldn't solve the problems we need to solve, especially security.
Fred Durst - February 2005
Is hacking ever acceptable? It depends on the motive.
Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can and virtual reality to accept the things I can't.
The Metaverse is being made by Microsoft and Facebook, so you know it's gonna be boring as sh-t.
One of my colleagues keeps typing numbers into her calculator and transfers them into an Excel sheet. I'm crying.
Optimist: The glass is 1/2 full.
Pessimist: The glass is 1/2 empty.
Excel: The glass is January 2nd.
I am nervous about the impact AI is going to have on future elections. Personalized 1:1 persuasion, combined with high-quality generated media, is going to be a powerful force.
Sam Altman - September 2022
AI will probably most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there'll be great companies.
When the Internet first came, I thought it was just the beacon of freedom. People could communicate with anyone, anywhere, and nobody could stop it.
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops.
Jeffrey Pelt in The Hunt for Red October
I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper.
Mister Spock in Star Trek - II: The Wrath of Khan
A successful person isn't necessarily better than her less successful peers at solving problems; her pattern-recognition facilities have just learned what problems are worth solving.
Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose a few brain-cells.
Charlie Harper in Two and a half Men - Season 6 Episode 3
None will be free until the old ways are gone forever.
Kuiil in The Mandalorian - Season 1 Episode 7
Bo-Katan: "I haven't seen battle droids since the Clone Wars."
Din: "I have."
Bo-Katan: "Any of 'em look suspicious?"
Din: "They all look suspicious."
Din Djarin in The Mandalorian - Season 3 Episode 6
Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.
Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.
I threw my 20th birthday party at Brown, and I didn't even have to say to anyone not to put pictures on Facebook. Not a single picture went up. That was when I knew I’d found a solid group of friends, and I felt like I belonged.
Gerald Broflovski: "Well that does it, I'm going to the police!"
Stan: "For what?"
Gerald Broflovski: "To find out where Apple is keeping my son."
Stan: "Dude, when the police want to know where somebody is, they ask Apple!"
Stan Marsh in South Park - Season 15 Episode 1
Willow: "Have you Googled her?"
Xander: "Willow! She's seventeen!"
Willow: "It's a search engine."

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