I don't need to know how they make Coca-Cola. I think it tastes just fine not knowing what the ingredients are. I think there are some things that should be kept secret.
When I was a boy, it never occurred to me that one day I might participate at the birthday of a German Chancellor. But that was before I knew that smoking four packs of cigarettes and consuming ten Coca-Colas a day guaranteed longevity.
Next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in.
Elon Musk - April 2022
If you drink coke and then eat mentos does your stomach explode?
Despite the obvious damage now visible in the entropic desolation of every American home town, Wal-Mart managed to install itself in the pantheon of American Dream icons, along with apple pie, motherhood, and Coca Cola.
[..] to an infamous story about a pubic hair in a coke can. Which is the most disgusting thing you could possibly discover in a coke can - other than Pepsi.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight) - Workplace Sexual Harassment
Diet Coke is the only way I get through filming because I get so tired.
There are things in American culture that want to wipe the class distinction. Blue jeans. Ready-made clothes. Coca-Cola.
What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke. Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too.
In New York I pretty much live in diners - I order French Fries, Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.
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15Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
13I’m not crazy about reality, but it’s still the only place to get a decent meal.
Mr Willy Wonka can make marshmallows that taste of violets, and rich caramels that change colour every ten seconds as you suck them, and little feathery sweets that melt away deliciously the moment you put them between your lips. He can make chewing-gum that never loses its taste, and sugar balloons that you can blow up to enormous sizes before you pop them with a pin and gobble them up. And, by a most secret method, he can make lovely blue birds' eggs with black spots on them, and when you put one of these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little darkred sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue.
This is America. Anyone can eat what they want, as long as they eat too much.
Homer Simpson in The Simpsons - Season 24 Episode 5
3Michael: "Can we have him for supper?"
Sylvia: "Have him to stay for supper, Michael. We aren't cannibals."
Sylvia: "Have him to stay for supper, Michael. We aren't cannibals."
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2Why you care about small things? World very simple place. World only have two things: Things you can eat and things you no can eat.
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1I've never been in love... But I imagine it's similar to the feeling you get when you see your waiter arriving with your food.
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I am very down to earth. Just not on this one.
Don't ever let a recipe tell you how much garlic to put in. You measure that with your heart.
Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets.
Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.
Facebook is manipulating the public almost everywhere on Earth. That is why they won't open source their algorithm.
Elon Musk - August 2023
Chandler: "How are we allowed to do this?"
Jimmy: "We live in a country called America."
Jimmy: "We live in a country called America."
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Everything we do these days - our lust for ever more comfort, pleasure, and distraction, our refusal to engage with the mandates of reality, our fidelity to cults of technology and limitless growth, our narcissistic national exceptionalism - all of this propels us toward the realm where souls abandon all hope.
Germany... a country whose idea of a bedtime story is two children being left to die in the forest, before nearly being cooked and eaten and then murdering an old woman.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
2As cynical as I can be, there's always a part of me that believes in love and the fairy tale.
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.
I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity: all I hope for in my clothes.
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Why do you leave me with watercolor eyes?
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1Potatoes become french fries, chips and vodka. I'm starting to think that other vegetables aren't really trying.
For every $1 we could raise, they'll remove one pound of plastic from the ocean. We're trying to raise $30 million by the end of the year.
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