Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Without fingers I point, without arms I strike, without feet I run. What am I?
And if I could stop the clocks
If I could make this moment mine
I'd make the most of a bad time
If I could make this moment mine
I'd make the most of a bad time
Donots - Stop The Clocks, Album: Coma Chameleon
Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.
I have a weakness for watches. I have to stop myself buying more.
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How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold.
But time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart.
Michael Ende in Momo - und die grauen Herren
13When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.
Michael Ende in Momo
11[Minuet of Forest]
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
8Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station.
"But don't you think," I persist, "that it's better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to be just okay for your whole life?"
Brom: "The sands of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we want them or not... but we can remember. What has been lost may yet live on in memories. That which you will hear is imperfect and fragmented, yet treasure it, for without you it does not exist. I give you now a memory that has been forgotten, hidden in the dreamy haze that lies behind us."
Christopher Paolini in The Inheritance Cycle - Eragon
7I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived.
[Serenade of Water]
Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.
Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.
Sheik in The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
5Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence
3Time is like a river, you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life!
Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.
How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it.
A good riddle reveals the asker. To solve it is to solve the mystery of the person posing it.
Edward Nygma / The Riddler in Gotham - Season 3 Episode 17
The less you have, the more they're worth. To friends!
A man with nothing that he loves is a man who cannot be bargained. A man that cannot be betrayed. A man who answers to no one but himself.
Fear doesn't need conquering. Fear tells you where the edge is. Fear is a good thing.
James Gordon in Gotham - Season 1 Episode 1
Alfred: "Gotham is not your responsibility."
Bruce: "I'm making it mine."
Bruce: "I'm making it mine."
Bruce Wayne in Gotham
Who's to hold up the sky if not you and I?
So long, so long, so long
Who's to tame the volcanoes on mountains high?
So long, so long, so long
Just how long does it take to drink oceans dry?
So long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
Who's to tame the volcanoes on mountains high?
So long, so long, so long
Just how long does it take to drink oceans dry?
So long, so long, so long
Donots - So Long, Album: Wake the Dogs
Put the knife down
Don't you cut your own heart out
I need you alive now
Learn to hold your own hand
Don't you cut your own heart out
I need you alive now
Learn to hold your own hand
Donots - So Long, Album: Wake the Dogs
It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm."
It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didn't consult a decorator or he would still be picking colors.
You can't be a sexy person unless you have something sexy to offer. With me, it's my voice: the way that I sing, the way I express myself when I sing.
I haven't become an American! Having a house in LA is just where the house is. It's just a convenience thing living there. I carry Wales around inside me. I'd consider moving back there one day. I never really left.
Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.
I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life.
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.
People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.
What is a teacher? I'll tell you: it isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows.
Anyone who loves in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time.
A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.
I'm more than a man. I'm an idea, a philosophy. And I will live on in the shadows within Gotham's discontent. You'll be seeing me soon. Au revoir.
I promise you, however dark and scary the world might be right now, there will be light. There will be light, Bruce.
James Gordon in Gotham - Season 1 Episode 1