The best Book Quotes (Page 2)

The best Book Quotes (Page 2)

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"Three questions," I said, ticking them off on my fingers as I spoke.
"One: do you have a car? Two: do you have plans tonight? And three: how fast can you drive?"
I could feel his heart beating, feel his mind and thoughts blending with my own as the two of us stood there, bathed in the moonlight and feeling its effects like a drug.
Whoever Chase was, he was mine.
Maybe, to do what you and I do, we have to have a little bit of the monster in us.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
I love you. I would die to protect you. I would make you hate me to keep you safe because damn it, Avery - some things are too precious to gamble.
Sloane slipped an arm around my waist. "There are fourteen varieties of hugs," she said.
"This is one of them."
When the odds are bad, you change the rules.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
You feel stupid. Doesn't mean you are.
"None of us had normal childhoods," Sloane said quietly. "If we had, we wouldn't be Naturals."
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
I'm just saying that statistically, a psychopath is more likely to end up as a CEO than a serial killer.
Everything you said or did was a data point you put out there in the world.
"A guy who thinks he knows everything," I muttered. "That's new."
Sometimes you gotta excise a wound before it can heal.
Knowing that Mr. Yates was infamous for giving impossible tests had made me want to redefine possible.
Something about the curve of his lips was more intimate than any touch.
I'd gone my whole life without romance. I didn't need it, not the way I needed this: being part of something, caring about people in a way that I hadn't realized I still could. Not just Michael and Dean, but Sloane and even Lia. I fit here. I hadn't fit anywhere in a very long time.

Maybe ever.

I couldn't screw that up.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in The Naturals - Killer Instinct
No expectations, no disappointments.
"Ever had your life ruined by someone with the last name Hawthorne?" Alisa continued.
I stared at her, then managed to answer more confidently this time. "No."
Alisa smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Lucky you."
"Sometimes," he said, "when I'm in a social pickle, I like to ask myself, WWJAD?" I raised an eyebrow, and he explained. "What Would Jane Austen Do?"
If yes is no and once is never, then how many sides does a triangle have?
Doesn't Judd have a rule about you wearing lingerie in the kitchen?
If there's one thing the Hawthorne family isn't, it's fine. They were a twisted, broken mess before you got here and they'll be a twisted, broken mess once you're gone.
Grayson Hawthorne was arrogant enough to consider himself bulletproof - and honorable enough to see a promise through to its end.
"Getting involved with Jameson would just be throwing gasoline on the fire."
"And what a lovely fire it would be."
Secrets are like shadows. They follow you everywhere, always hiding just out of reach.
Why kill two birds with one stone when you can kill twelve?
...never lose your heart to a Hawthorne.
She was an apology cupcake baker. A guilty cupcake baker. A please-don't-be-mad-at-me cupcake baker.
It wasn't my best look, but I'd gone to school with the same kids my whole life. I was wallpaper. No one was looking.
"Est unus ex nobis. Nos defendat eius."
She is one of us. We protect her.
Nations were the most foolish of mortal inventions. No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.
Name one hero who was happy.
I am made of memories.
He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.
We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.
There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.
"There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles," Chiron said. "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?"
I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.
You're in my every breath and every thought, intertwined so deep inside me that love's not a strong enough word—you have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It'll never be enough. I want eternity.
"I had sex," Drew said with a grin. "Lot's and lots and lots of sex... Hey, no use in good energy going to waste."
No more dancing with any male but me. No more time to learn who you are before you have to hold that personality against mine. No more freedom to explore your sensuality before I own it.
He hugged her again, before she could put some distance between them. Then the most sneaky wolf in the den lowered his voice and whispered, "But you've got an advantage, sweetheart. You're already in his head. And you know how to mess with it."
You have the power to tear me to pieces, to wound me so deep and true that I'll never recover.
Pack is built on the bonds of family, of mating, of love. You come first. You always will.
Sometimes the point is to be sad, August. Sometimes you just have to feel it because it deserves to be felt.
Of course I love you. I could go back in time and have a whole life and get old and never see you again, and you would still be it. You were— you are the love of my life.
But, you know, that feeling? When you wake up in the morning and you have somebody to think about? Somewhere for hope to go? It's good. Even when it's bad, it's good.
The older she's gotten, the more she prefers thinking of love as a hobby for other people, like rock climbing or knitting. Fine, enviable even, but she doesn't feel like investing in the equipment.
When you spend your whole life alone, it's incredibly appealing to move somewhere big enough to get lost in. Where being alone looks like a choice.
But grief doesn't get easier. It just gets familiar. You learn to live with.