I think journalism is a great way to do public service, to have an impact on your community.
The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game. It's part of our culture like turkey at Thanksgiving and lights at Christmas, and like those holidays beyond their meaning, a factor in our economy.
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Dante: "[seeing a Confederate flag] What? Are you serious?"
Lila: "Newsflash, we're in deep Texas."
Lila: "Newsflash, we're in deep Texas."
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2022
The stars at night, are big and bright,
deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky is wide and high,
deep in the heart of Texas.
deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky is wide and high,
deep in the heart of Texas.
Of course, nobody I knew in East-Texas in 1989 cared about Newtonian Physics. The only Newtons they cared about were Wayne and Fig.
Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon - Season 1 Episode 1
1When a Texan gets knocked off a horse, he gets right back on. That is the second most important thing about bein' a Texan, right after thinkin' you're better than everybody else.
Sheldons Großmutter "Meemaw" in Young Sheldon - Season 4 Episode 8
"Did you grow up in Texas?"
Meemaw: "Took my first bath in a ten-gallon hat."
Meemaw: "Took my first bath in a ten-gallon hat."
Sheldons Großmutter "Meemaw" in Young Sheldon - Season 2 Episode 13
Sheldon: "Texas, Oklahoma... what's the difference?"
Meemaw: "Hey, now, I think you might want to crack open your psychology textbook 'cause that there is crazy talk."
Meemaw: "Hey, now, I think you might want to crack open your psychology textbook 'cause that there is crazy talk."
Sheldons Großmutter "Meemaw" in Young Sheldon - Season 2 Episode 9
Amy: "Lino's reinventing Thanksgiving."
Zora: "Oh, good. 'Cause if there's anything Texans love, it's different sh-t."
Zora: "Oh, good. 'Cause if there's anything Texans love, it's different sh-t."
From Scratch - Season 1
Since you went away
I bet you missed your exit
And drove right on through the Lone Star state
There's a seat for you at the rodeo
And I've got every slow dance saved
Besides the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway
I bet you missed your exit
And drove right on through the Lone Star state
There's a seat for you at the rodeo
And I've got every slow dance saved
Besides the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway
Bowling for Soup - Ohio (Come Back to Texas), Album: A Hangover You Don’t Deserve
In Texas, it's football. In Georgia, football. There's an appreciation from the average person about football more than anywhere else. And we have that for basketball in New York. And we'll always have that in New York.
Lila: "So, Richter, why are you such a nihilist?"
Richter: "A what?"
Lila: "I mean, anyone who blasts diesel into the atmosphere like that, truly gives zero f-s about like anything."
Richter: "I'm a Texan. I don't like people telling me what to do. Especially smug, self-righteous, rich, city folk."
Richter: "A what?"
Lila: "I mean, anyone who blasts diesel into the atmosphere like that, truly gives zero f-s about like anything."
Richter: "I'm a Texan. I don't like people telling me what to do. Especially smug, self-righteous, rich, city folk."
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2022
In Texas, we practically come out of the womb in jeans.
Are you really a Texan? I mean, really? If I have a headache, I'd put bacon around an Aspirin before I take it.
RJ Scott
Football is to Texas what religion is to a priest.
Don't mess with Texas!
Texas has long been known as the nation's largest energy producer, but we are equally proud of our distinction as the nation's leading energy innovator.
You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.
Texas is a hotbed of insanely good bands and musicians.
I dearly love the state of Texas, but I consider that a harmless perversion on my part and discuss it only with consenting adults.
I never saw anything funnier than Texas politics.
When rough times have fallen upon our state in the past, Texans have always responded with generosity and an eagerness to help. The compassionate response to the fires has proven that this community spirit is alive and well.
I felt like the luckiest kid in the world because God had put me on the ground in Texas. I actually felt sorry for those poor little kids that had to be born in Oklahoma or England or some place. I knew I was living in the best place in the world.
The people of the State of Texas consist principally of men, women, and children, with a sprinkling of cowboys. The weather is very good, thermometer rarely rising above 2,500 degrees in the shade and hardly ever below 212.
To me, it's really the heart of Texas. You don't know the Lone Star State until you've experienced Gruene Hall.
So long as men write what they think, then all of the other freedoms - all of them - may remain intact. And it is then that writing becomes a weapon of truth.
What is it with reporters? You take one person's tragedy and force the world to experience it... spread it like sickness.
Richard Morgan in The Ring
People aren't always very fond of journalists. You know what they say - lies are soft and malleable, but the truth is sharp and inflexible.
The most effective check and balance on government has been an independent press which maintains its credibility by ensuring that its criticism is balanced and based on fact - based indeed on solid journalistic work.
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.
This is America. Anyone can eat what they want, as long as they eat too much.
Homer Simpson in The Simpsons - Season 24 Episode 5
3We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Not only are you wrong... but you are belligerently sticking to your guns and insulting me in the process. Robin Scherbatsky, you are an American.
Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother - Season 5 Episode 5
2Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Francis Scott Key - Star-Spangled Banner
2We're not done, dawg, I want three!
Patrick Mahomes - February 2024, about the Chiefs' Super Bowl Win
It's definitely a blessing, but you don't think about it a ton, because once you win the AFC Championship game - now you're in the Super Bowl and you're focused on that game.
Harrison Butker - February 2024
Scott Hanson: "If it comes down to it, Brock. It's late in the fourth quarter, are you prepared to disappoint Taylor Swift?"
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy - February 2024, Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night
The winner takes all, it's the thrill of one more kill,
The last one to fall, will never sacrifice their will!
Don't ever look back, on the world closing in,
Be on the attack with your wings on the wind,
Oh, the games will begin!
And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah!
It's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight!
And it's sweet sweet sweet victory, yeah!
And the one who's last to fall, the winner takes all!
You don't win no silver, you only lose the gold.
You push with a fever, for your time keeps tolling on!
Against all the odds, against all your pain,
Your back's on the wall with no one to blame.
Wild hearts won't be tamed.
The last one to fall, will never sacrifice their will!
Don't ever look back, on the world closing in,
Be on the attack with your wings on the wind,
Oh, the games will begin!
And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah!
It's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight!
And it's sweet sweet sweet victory, yeah!
And the one who's last to fall, the winner takes all!
You don't win no silver, you only lose the gold.
You push with a fever, for your time keeps tolling on!
Against all the odds, against all your pain,
Your back's on the wall with no one to blame.
Wild hearts won't be tamed.
Band Geeks - Sweet Victory, Album: The Yellow Album
Playing well and winning the Super Bowl helped my credibility. Otherwise, when I'd give an opinion, people would say, What has he done? If I didn't win that Super Bowl, I'd probably be coaching somewhere.
The Super Bowl is the biggest event in America, the biggest event in television. The preparation and all of the behind-the-scenes detail is immense.
Baldrick, I want you to take this and go out and buy a turkey so large, you'd think its mother had been rogered by an omnibus.
Edmund Blackadder in Blackadder
We celebrate a holiday that praises our success at genocide. It's a white celebration of colonization. That's not sadistic enough. We package it up with the image of a happy, smiling turkey. The emblem of the holiday is the animal that we slaughter en masse.
Marcus Baker in Ginny & Georgia - Season 2 Episode 1
No, you dingbat. You don't just go groping away. You gotta pre-heat the oven before you stick in the turkey.
Michelle Flaherty in American Pie
There's always something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. Even if it's just not being a turkey.
If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese.
What do Black Friday shoppers and Thanksgiving Turkeys have in common?
Both know how it feels to be stuffed and cramped in narrow spaces.
Both know how it feels to be stuffed and cramped in narrow spaces.
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.