I brought you some fresh Florida oranges. I used 'em as a pillow on the plane. So if you find any curly hairs in there, that's me.
That '90s Show - Season 1
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Eric: "Oh, you're getting in that car or my foot is getting in your ass!"
Red: "I have never been prouder. It's like watching you hit your first home run... if you had ever done that."
Red: "I have never been prouder. It's like watching you hit your first home run... if you had ever done that."
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
I guess I have done some crazy things. One time at the beach, a seagull stole my sandwich, and, under my breath, I called her "b*tch".
Leia Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
I'm sorry, babe, but you're both important to me. But Jay's had my back for the past twelve years, and you've had my front for the last six months. I can't choose.
Nate Runck in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Ah, teenagers! I feel for you, son. But, on the other hand - payback's a b*tch!
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Eric: "Are her parents home?"
Leia: "No, but her older brother is."
Kitty: "Honey, you're really not helping your case."
Leia: "No, but her older brother is."
Kitty: "Honey, you're really not helping your case."
Kitty Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Gwen: "Sorry. I love making people feel uncomfortable."
Leia: "You're really good at it."
Leia: "You're really good at it."
Leia Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Eric: "Know what the worst part is? I should be treasuring time with Leia. Instead, I mean, I can't wait for it to end."
Kitty: "Oh, sweetie. It ends when you die."
Kitty: "Oh, sweetie. It ends when you die."
Kitty Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Eric: "I'm an adjunct professor now, which means I got a permanent parking space... for my bicycle. That's what happens when your course is super popular, Dad."
Red: "'The Religion of Star Wars'? This country's gonna lose the next war."
Eric: "Not if it's an intergalactic battle between good and evil."
Red: "'The Religion of Star Wars'? This country's gonna lose the next war."
Eric: "Not if it's an intergalactic battle between good and evil."
Eric Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Why, I bet you're a holy terror on the basketball court. I hear you got your mom's jump shot and your dad's... last name.
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Nate: "This whiny v*gina music is bumming me out!"
Gwen: "Me and my new friend are gonna start a band and call it Whiny V*gina."
Nate: "I'm gonna start a band and call it That's Stupid."
Gwen: "Me and my new friend are gonna start a band and call it Whiny V*gina."
Nate: "I'm gonna start a band and call it That's Stupid."
Nate Runck in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Master Yoda was a puppet from a fake world with some guy's hand up his butt.
Leia Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1 Episode 1
Red: "It's gonna be a long day."
Bob: "Hey there, hi there, ho there!"
Red: "Aaand it just got longer."
Bob: "Hey there, hi there, ho there!"
Red: "Aaand it just got longer."
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
That is a great idea. Because when you stand behind your kids, it's easier... to put your foot in their a-s.
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
Kitty: "I have to make a shopping list. The kids are gonna want snacks."
Red: "Don't feed them, Kitty! That's how it started the first time."
Red: "Don't feed them, Kitty! That's how it started the first time."
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
If they go in my room, my foot goes in their a-s!
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
Red: "Get out!"
Kitty: "We never lock the sliding door."
Red: "We do now."
Kitty: "We never lock the sliding door."
Red: "We do now."
Red Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
I'm a pretty big deal in Debate Club. That's not up for debate! ...Yeah, I'm not popular.
Leia Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
Red: "Lights on, shirts on, and no dancing!"
Leia: "No dancing. You're like the guy from Footloose."
Leia: "No dancing. You're like the guy from Footloose."
Leia Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
I'm going to get Fritos, Tostitos, Doritos... all the "itos". I am back, baby!
Kitty Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
I love having the house full again. It just fills me with joy.
Kitty Forman in That '90s Show - Season 1
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1