The best Quotes by Ayrton Senna

The best Quotes by Ayrton Senna
Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.
I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.
Because in a split second, it's gone.
My biggest error? Something that is to happen yet.
If you have God on your side, everything becomes clear.

Quotes about Ayrton Senna

Michael was talking like he's done this job all his life. But four years before, he had a poster of Senna in the bedroom.
Schumacher is the chief rival to Ayrton Senna.

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If you're involved in motor racing, I think everyone dreams of competing in Formula One events one day. And that's my dream too.
My parents had to work very hard to give us a normal life. But many rich kids are also poor, as their parents have no time for them.
When Michael Schumacher arrived, all the drivers looked at him like, "Too young, too early, too soon."
In the end, racing is about leaving work first.
I always thought records were there to be broken.
No. Well, yes - experience.
Michael Schumacher - September 2003, after being asked, whether he won in Las Vegas
I'd prefer him playing tennis or golf.
Michael Schumacher - September 2005, about his son's career choices
After those years, I was convinced I would always be a go-kart driver. Because I could never have imagined making it into Formula class - for financial reasons alone.
I'm not particularly passionate about Formula 1. I just want to win.
We haven't agreed a name but it certainly won't be called Max.
Flavio Briatore - 2010, about his child not being named after Max Mosley
There should be more respect in Formula One.
The drivers in our teams have been and are world champions, and yet the title is being fought between one driver who is a semi-pensioner and another who is a decent bloke but is like a roadside post.
Flavio Briatore - 2009, about Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello
If believing in yourself and going after what you want in life and realising your worth is ruthless and selfish, then I'm definitely ruthless and selfish.
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is the best.
A good player knows how to win the game, a good character knows how to lose it, while smiling.
In this world everything is governed by balance. There's what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And in this moment they think they have nothing to lose. And when you believe you've got nothing to lose, you're overconfident. We will be the ones that are going to show them just how much they have to lose.
The Professor in Money Heist - Season 3 Episode 3
Talk is cheap, but when you go out there and prove it - you're the first one to show up for practice, and you're the last to leave - that's how you lead by example.
When you speak and represent the person of Jesus Christ in all actions of your life, people are drawn to that. You set the standard with your actions. The words can come after.
When you're in a race, the cockpit is gonna be a 140 F. G-Forces will be twice of what an astronaut experiences upon lift-off.
Jack Salter in Gran Turismo
The smell of fuel, driving on the limit on the edge of sliding, it just gives you a lot of adrenaline.
God never made no difference between black, white, blue, pink or green. People is people, y'know. That's the message we try to spread.
Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.
Psalms - 68, 20
I'm 74 and I don't have enough time left to waste it, waiting in waiting in front of a charging station.
While accelerating, the tears of joy have to horizontally run towards your ears.
I've got my best race still ahead of me.
Sebastian Vettel - July 2022, about retiring from Formula 1
I will retire from competing in Formula 1 by the end of this year.
Sebastian Vettel - July 2022, about retiring from Formula 1
Every morning I wake up with new ideas.
I never made a damn dime until I started doing what I wanted.
Riding a race bike is an art - a thing that you do because you feel something inside.
I don't like being famous - it is like a prison. And driving for Ferrari would make it far worse.
Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers.
At the end of the day, I got involved in all this because I enjoy driving cars and driving them as fast as possible. If I was going to be remembered for anything, I would like it to be for that.
World Champion! This is just unbelievable. I started racing with my dad many years ago. We dreamed of becoming a World Champion - and now we are.
Max Verstappen - December 2021
If you start doubting yourself like that, thinking, 'Am I good enough?' - maybe there is a reason you're thinking that.
Drinking is much safer than sports. You can't get hurt, only hungover.
Formula 1 would be a paradise without the media.
Formula 1 is the second best thing in the world.
It's not easy to be perfect, but someone has to be.

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