The best Quotes from Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Thief

The best Quotes from Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Thief

Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Thief (orig. French: Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur) is a book series by Maurice Leblanc with 9 stories about the fictional thief Arsène Lupin. With Lupin, Netflix released a series referencing the books in 2021.

I do my thieving indoors; you do yours on the stock exchange.
What a pity that I am not an honest man!
The train was rushing on, joyously, intoxicated with its own speed.
It was a strange ending to a voyage that had commenced in a most auspicious manner.
Do you want to go back to your solitaire, or would you prefer something that requires two people?
So much the better if no one can ever say with absolute certainty: There is Arsène Lupin! The essential point is that the public may be able to refer to my work and say, without fear of mistake: Arsène Lupin did that!
Arsène Lupin, the eccentric gentleman who operates only in the chateaux and salons, and who, one night, entered the residence of Baron Schormann, but emerged empty-handed, leaving, however, his card on which he had scribbled these words: "Arsène Lupin, gentleman-burglar, will return when the furniture is genuine."
I shall not be present at my trial.

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