The best Quotes by Amy Poehler

The best Quotes by Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler (born September 16, 1971) is an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and director. Poehler was a cast member on the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live from 2001 to 2008.

The great things about taking big chances when you're younger is you have less to lose, and you don't know as much. So you take big swings.

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What I hear when I'm being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.
I would like a glass of red wine and I'll take the cheapest one you have because I can't tell the difference.
I'm big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
No matter what I do, literally nothing bad can happen to me. I'm like a white, male U.S. Senator.
Calzones are pointless. They're just pizza that's harder to eat. No one likes them.
The raccoon problem is under control. They have their part of the town and we have ours.
I don't want to be overdramatic, but today felt like a hundred years in hell and the absolute worst day of my life.
I stand behind my decision to avoid salad and other disgusting things.
Guys love it when you can show them you're better than they are at something they love.
We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.
I'm gonna get drunk and then I'm gonna order a three-course meal where each course is made of dessert.
Everything hurts and I'm dying.
Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation - Season 4 Episode 17
You're gonna like Massachusetts. It's very patriotic - perfect for a fresh start.
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Season 1 Episode 1
I'm lucky to have been raised in the most beautiful place - Amherst, Massachusetts, state of my heart. I'm more patriotic to Massachusetts than to almost any place.
I will work my heart out to earn the trust of the people of Massachusetts.
The man in the White House is not the cause of what is broken, he is just the latest and most extreme symptom of what's gone wrong in America. A product of a rigged system that props up the rich and powerful and kicks dirt on everyone else.
Elizabeth Warren (as Senator of Massachusetts) - February 9, 2019
I went to Massachusetts to make a difference. I didn't go there to begin a political career running time and time again. I made a difference. I put in place the things I wanted to do.
Only a liberal senator from Massachusetts would say that a 49 percent increase in funding for education was not enough.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Massachusetts - and that's pretty much the same thing.
It's a tough time, but these are the best years. Believe me.
Leo in Leo
A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age.
You have your whole life to be old but a few years to be young.
Well you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him!
Dory in Finding Nemo
You have to die a few times before you can really live.
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
Chess is a constant struggle between my desire not to lose and my desire not to think.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.

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