Quotes and Sayings about Advertising & Marketing

Quotes and Sayings about Advertising & Marketing
What the advertiser needs to know is not what is right about the product but what is wrong about the buyer.
When I was younger I always wanted to be an actor in commercials, then I realized I had a brain.
Oscar Martinez in The Office - Season 4 Episode 5
You need to create the illusion of success for people to pay attention.
Commercials capture your attention, that's all.
Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.
Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.
You can say the right thing about a product and nobody will listen. You've got to say it in such a way that people will feel it in their gut. Because if they don't feel it, nothing will happen.
In good times, people want to advertise; in bad times, they have to.
Jenny Lind: "I believe I might have heard of you."
P.T. Barnum: "If you've heard of me all the way over here I must be doing something right."
Jenny Lind: "That, or something very wrong."
P.T. Barnum: "In the world of publicity there's hardly a difference."
P.T. Barnum in The Greatest Showman
What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke. Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too.

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Great companies are built on great products.
In a world that's changing so quickly, you're guaranteed to fail if you don't take any risks.
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO)
I've actually not read any books on time management.
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.
If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Bill Gates - 1999
Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops.
It’s business. Leave your emotions at the door.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street
When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable.
If you can't admit a failure, you're not an entrepreneur. You are not a good business person. There's nothing brilliant about what you are doing.
Most entrepreneurial ideas will sound crazy, stupid and uneconomic, and then they'll turn out to be right.
Your first projects aren't the greatest things in the world, and they may have no money value, they may go nowhere, but that is how you learn - you put so much effort into making something right if it is for yourself.
You can make something big when young that will carry you through life. Look at all the big startups like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. They were all started by very young people who stumbled on something of unseen value. You'll know it when you hit a home run.
Burn rubber not gasoline.
All dreams are crazy. Until they come true.
(Nike) - Dirk Nowitzki Spot
Heros come and go, but legends are forever.
(Nike) - The Black Mamba
Some dream... others rise.
Kids and grown-ups love it so - the happy world of Haribo.
It is insight into human nature that is the key to the communicator's skill. For whereas the writer is concerned with what he puts into his writings, the communicator is concerned with what the reader gets out of it. He therefore becomes a student of how people read or listen.
If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is academic.
Our job is to sell our clients' merchandise... not ourselves. Our job is to kill the cleverness that makes us shine instead of the product. Our job is to simplify, to tear away the unrelated, to pluck out the weeds that are smothering the product message.
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
Pam: "Jim and I have never and will never have sex in the office."
Jim: "No, because the office isn't what I'd consider a romantic place."
Pam: "Besides, we have something those other people don't have, which is a home and a bed."
Jim: "And a shower."
Jim Halpert in The Office - Season 7 Episode 16
Fashion starts with fashionable people.
I don't dwell on success. Maybe that's one reason I'm successful.
Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.
Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much.
P.T. Barnum in The Greatest Showman
The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.
I don't need to know how they make Coca-Cola. I think it tastes just fine not knowing what the ingredients are. I think there are some things that should be kept secret.
Michael: "You will be thin. You won't drool over pizza like an animal anymore. You will find love."
Kevin: "Michael, I'm pretty much okay with who I am now."
Michael: "Don't be. You should never settle for who you are."
Michael Scott in The Office - Season 7 Episode 22
What's the problem? Grunting is scientifically proven to add more power. Ask any female tennis player, or her husband.
Dwight Schrute in The Office - Season 8 Episode 3
I'm not going to tell my nine-months-pregnant wife that I find her replacement objectively attractive. Just like I'm not going to tell my two-year-old daughter that violent video games are objectively more fun. It's true, but it doesn't help anybody.
Jim Halpert in The Office - Season 8 Episode 7
Jim: "What about and energy drink?"
Pam: "It gets in the breast milk. If I drink it, CeCe drinks it six hours later."
Jim: "It doesn't mean I can't drink it."
Pam: "Well, it does and it doesn't."
Pam Beesly in The Office - Season 6 Episode 25
Michael: "Phyllis did injure herself, but she injured herself having fun and I don't think she'd trade that memory for anything."
Stanley: "I would like the memory of a day uninterrupted by this nonsense."
Stanley Hudson in The Office - Season 5 Episode 27
Michael: "Excuse me, everyone... Sex! Now that I have your attention...-"
Stanley: "You don't have our attention."
Michael: "Money!"
Stanley: "I'm listening."
Kevin: "You had me at 'Sex'."
Kevin Malone in The Office - Season 7 Episode 9
I'd rather she be alone than with somebody. Is that love?

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