The best Quotes by Ada Thorne

The best Quotes by Ada Thorne
Freddie: "Are you mad?"
Ada: "Yeah. Mad as hell with all of them."
Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3
America, Freddie. They've already had their revolution, you won't have to bother.
Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3

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Grace: "I had the phone put in. It's in the back."
Tommy: "If we knew someone else who had a phone, we could call them."
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 4
Freddie: "You think I can't handle Tommy Shelby?"
Polly: "You can't. I am having trouble these days and I'm twice the man you are."
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3
Freddie Thorne: "What kind of a list would have the name of a communist and the name of a bookmaker side by side?"
Thomas Shelby: "Perhaps it's a list of men who give false hope to the poor."
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 1
Grace Burgess: "You think I am a wh-re?"
Tommy Shelby: "Everyone's a wh-re, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves."
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3
May: "May Carleton. I breed racehorses and train them. What is it you do?"
Thommy: "I rarely answer questions is what I do."
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 2 Episode 3
The soldier's minute. In a battle that's all you get. One minute of everything at once. And anything before it nothing. Everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute.
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 6
You can never tell with men. They go for whoever their dcks point at and there's no changing their minds.
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 6
There's only one thing that could blind a man as smart as you, Tommy. Love.
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 6
Freddie: "If you want me out of Birmingham, it'll have to be in a wooden box."
Polly: "You lay a hand on our Ada, I'll put you in a wooden box myself!"
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 4
Men and their d-cks never cease to amaze me. John, Lizzie Stark never did a day's work vertical.
Brave is going where no man has gone before. And with Lizzie Stark, John, that's not what you'll be doing.
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 4
The end of a rope has been this man's destiny since the night he was born.
Tommy: "I'll have some men watch her house 'til the danger passes."
Polly: "'Til the danger passes. That'll be the bloody day."
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 2 Episode 1
Whisky's good proofing water. Tells you who's real and who isn't.
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3
You don't parley when you're on the back foot. We'll strike a blow back first.
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 2
We will take them before last night's beer turns to piss.
Chester Campbell in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 2
The Peaky Blinders. The vicious, merciless gangs who blind those who see and cut out the tongues of those who talk.
Chester Campbell in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 1
You see, ladies? When you're out with a Blinder, you don't have to queue.
Arthur Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 1
You have your mother's common sense, but your father's devilment. I see them fighting. Let your mother win!
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 1
Polly: "Six."
John: "Six what?"
Polly: "Six questions since you walked through that door. Soon you'll have to start being the man with the answers."
John: "Why?"
Polly: "Seven."
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 2 Episode 1
You have to be as bad as them above in order to survive.
Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 6
All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.
Sometimes it lasts all night. And I lie here and I listen to the shovels, and the picks against that wall there. And I pray the sun will come up at the curtains before they break through. No, I don't pray. I hope. And sometimes it happens. The sun beats them. But mostly the shovels beat the sun.
Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 3
You and I are opposites but also just the same. Like an image in a mirror. We hate people and they in turn hate us. And fear us.
Chester Campbell in Peaky Blinders - Season 1 Episode 6
Never give power to the big man.
Alfie Solomons in Peaky Blinders - Season 2 Episode 3
In all the world, violent men are the easiest to deal with.
Irene O'Donnell in Peaky Blinders - Season 2 Episode 1

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