Quotes from Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas

Quotes from Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas

Here you can find the best Quotes from A Storm for Christmas (Julestorm), a christmas series that has been released on Netflix in December 2022.

Santa can't always give a child what they want. 'Cause the child will grow up, become an adult, and realize that a Chanel bag costs a month's wage for most people. Which is the result of just a few people having far too much money.
Alex - The Santa in Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 2
Not my idea to play Star Wars music for an hour. Real music isn't written for spaceships and rockets. It's written in blood, sweat, and tears.
Arthur in Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 2
All the sounds, the smells... when you use all your senses, airports can be exciting places, full of new worlds.
Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 2
Stine: "Wow. 4:40? Nothing's changed!"
Steven: "Looks like we have some time to..."
Stine: "F*ck!"
Steven: "Exactly."
Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 1
Arthur: "109? The hell's in that beer, huh?"
David: "Pure joy in every single drop, man."
Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 1
Just shut your mouth! You don't know me. Maybe you know that girl from the bathroom and maybe she know you, too... a dick with two legs.
Stine in Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 1
Alex: "What do you want for Christmas, little girl?"
Mädchen: "I... phone."
Alex: "An iPhone? I see. Hm."
Mädchen: "Yes, and a Burberry handbag."
Alex: "And a f*cking Burberry handbag."
Alex - The Santa in Julestorm - A Storm for Christmas - Season 1 Episode 1

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Haven't Luke Skywalker and Santa Claus affected your lives more than most real people in this room? I mean, whether Jesus is real or not, he's had a bigger impact on the world than any of us have. And the same could be said of Bugs Bunny... and Superman and Harry Potter. They've changed my life, changed the way I act on the Earth. Doesn't that make them kind of real?
Kyle Broflovski in South Park - Season 11 Episode 12
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa.
The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future.
A woman with good shoes is never ugly.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to watch The Clone Wars TV series, until I've seen The Clone Wars movie. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.
Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory - Season 2 Episode 8
Star Wars hasn't changed my life at all.
To quote every Star Wars movie ever made, "I've got a bad feeling about this."
Jefferson Jackson in Legends of Tomorrow - Season 1 Episode 7
Catch flights, not feelings!
"What if the worst sandwich you had ever had was $17?" the airport boldly asks.
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like waiting for a boat to arrive. At the airport.
No son, you don't want to drink beer. That's for daddies, and kids with fake IDs.
Homer Simpson in The Simpsons - Season 8 Episode 10
All right, brain. You don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer.
On victory, you deserve beer.
On defeat, you need it.
And the luscious sound swelled, reaching up to the skies.
And the Grinch heard with his heart, and it tripled in size.
I've spent my entire life hating Christmas and everything about it. But now I see that it wasn't Christmas I hated, it was being alone. But I'm not alone anymore. And I have all of you to thank for it.
Grinch in The Grinch
Supervisor: "Attention, whoever you are, this channel is reserved for emergency calls only."
John McClane: "No f*cking shit, lady! Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza?"
John McClane in Die Hard
Hans Gruber: "Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?"
John McClane: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherf*cker."
John McClane in Die Hard
True love lasts a lifetime.
Karen in Love Actually
I'll be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.
You can be too old for a lot of things, but you're never too old to be afraid.
Old Man Marley in Home Alone
How can you give Kris Kringle a parking ticket on Christmas Eve? What's next, rabies shots for the Easter Bunny?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Me neither.
Sophie Brown in A Castle For Christmas
Myles: "I've had a change of heart."
Sophie: "Oh, so you actually have one."
Sophie Brown in A Castle For Christmas
Which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear?
Bryan Bedford in Miracle on 34th Street
If you can't believe, if you can't accept anything on faith, then you're doomed for a life dominated by doubt.
Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street
Every kid has that one gift they want more than anything for Christmas. This is the story of mine.
Jake Doyle in 8-Bit Christmas
Sometimes during Christmas, just when you think all hope is lost, something magical happens.
Jake Doyle in 8-Bit Christmas
The best things in life aren't things at all.
Owen in A California Christmas - City Lights
I know his heart. I love him. I would forgive him thousand more times if I had to.
Callie in A California Christmas - City Lights
Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.
Conductor in The Polar Express
It's a magic carpet on a rail
Never takes a rest
Flying through the mountains and the snow
You can ride for free and join the fun
If you just say yes!
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Bartender: "You ain't driving, are you?"
Santa: "I steer a little, but the reindeer do most of the work."
Santa Claus in Violent Night
You have $300 million in your personal vault. That's what I want for Christmas.
It's been almost two days, and, what, no one's found me yet? I'm like unclaimed luggage.
Sierra Belmont in Falling For Christmas
Jake: "All righty, went through the lost and found."
Sierra: "Are these used?"
Jake: "Probably. But sometimes guests leave things here by accident."
Sierra: "Not sure this was left here by accident."
Sierra Belmont in Falling For Christmas
"I really think this could be the one, Mo."
"The song or the music teacher?"
Dad, I'll make you a Bumble. You're way too old for Tinder.
You know that saying, time heals all wounds? It doesn't.
Rachel in The Noel Diary
Rachel: "Why is it that a handsome, successful guy like you, is still single?"
Jake: "Handsome?"
Rachel: "Don't deflect."
Jake: "I've had relationships in the past. Don't get me wrong. In the end, I just wasn't what they were looking for."
Rachel: "Maybe they weren't what you were looking for."
Your cells age at half the rate of a normal human. When you're 40, you'll still have the leucocytes of a teenager.
Beast / Hank McCoy in X-Men - Erste Entscheidung

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